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Elite League
17th November 2007
 Referee: A Carson 
Newcastle Vipers


Match completeCoventry Blaze


0 : 1 : 1 = 2Goals3 : 1 : 2 = 6
12 : 8 : 7 = 27Shots8 : 15 : 13 = 36
6 : 0 : 7 = 13Penalties in Minutes4 : 6 : 7 = 17


Man of the Match
Newcastle Vipers Coventry Blaze
Ben Storey Sylvain Cloutier


Newcastle VipersTimeCoventry Blaze
 1:16Curtis Huppe
Assist : Dan Carlson
 11:26Adam Calder
Assist : Dan Carlson
 17:28Danny Stewart
Assists : Mathias Soderstrom, Trevor Koenig
 25:50KC Timmons
Assist : Russ Cowley
Colin Shields
Assists : Derek Campbell, Todd Jackson
Ben Storey
Assists : Colin Shields, David Longstaff
 43:10Curtis Huppe
Assists : Sylvain Cloutier, Russ Cowley
 46:21Dan Carlson
Assists : Curtis Huppe, Sylvain Cloutier


Newcastle VipersCoventry Blaze
Andre Payette2:00Slashing0:34   
Ben Storey2:00Cross-Checking1:36   
Derek Campbell2:00Holding the Stick2:12   
   13:50Holding2:00Curtis Huppe
   16:22Slashing2:00James Pease
   26:02Interference2:00Russ Cowley
   37:31Delay of Game2:00Neal Martin
   41:11Interference2:00Russ Cowley
Petr Kratky2:00Holding46:12   
   57:27Fighting5:00KC Timmons
Andre Payette5:00Fighting57:27   

Note : "Time Remaining" is approximate
No responsibility accepted for accuracy of information

Time : 0.0061848163604736