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Elite League
23rd January 2004
 Referee: S Kirkham 
Belfast Giants


Match completeSheffield Steelers


0 : 1 : 0 = 1Goals3 : 1 : 1 = 5
7 : 8 : 10 = 25Shots8 : 8 : 7 = 23
2 : 4 : 0 = 6Penalties in Minutes2 : 4 : 2 = 8


Man of the Match
Belfast Giants Sheffield Steelers
Jason Ruff Marc LeFebvre


Belfast GiantsTimeSheffield Steelers
 9:00Kirk DeWaele
Assist : Kevin Bolibruk
 15:56Kevin Bolibruk
Assists : Mike Peron, Gerad Adams
 16:39Mark Dutiaume
Assists : Mike Peron, Gerad Adams
Jason Ruff
Assists : Mark Finney, Todd Kelman
 34:48Mark Dutiaume
Assists : Dion Darling, Gerad Adams
 47:10Joel Irving
Assist : Marc LeFebvre


Belfast GiantsSheffield Steelers
Todd Kelman2:00Roughing6:55   
   12:05Charging2:00Joel Irving
   23:00Delay of Game2:00Brent Bobyck
Brad Kenny2:00Interference30:03   
Curt Bowen2:00Roughing36:16   
   39:34Interference2:00Kirk DeWaele
   44:21Tripping2:00Kevin Bolibruk

Note : "Time Remaining" is approximate
No responsibility accepted for accuracy of information

Time : 0.0053350925445557