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Desktop Scoreboard

Introduction | Features | Requirements | Download | Contact


ih-update is pleased to announce the release of v1.0.1 of the ih-update Desktop Scoreboard. This custom written standalone desktop application allows you to view the latest, constantly updated scores from ih-update without the need to have a web browser window open and constantly refreshing. Version 1.0.1 provides a few minor bug fixes from version 1.0.


Desktop Scoreboard Screenshot 1 - Click to enlarge

Desktop Scoreboard Screenshot 2 - Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge



The Desktop Scoreboard application has the following system requirements :

* Many systems will already have these components installed. If they are not present you will be given the option to automatically download and install them from Microsoft during the Desktop Scoreboard installation process. This will cause the installation process to take a little longer than if the components are already present.


Current Release - v1.0.1

Desktop Scoreboard Windows Installer (547 kB)

Click on the link above and either choose to "Run" the file, or "Save" it to your computer and then run it.

NB : Depending on your browser and version of Windows, you may receive one or more warnings saying that the publisher of the software could not be verified and asking if you want to run it. This is simply because the installation program does not have a digital signature, and does not represent a security risk. You should select the option to "Run" the program in order to install the application.


Questions, feedback, comments and suggestions for improvement about the Scoreboard are welcome - please use the contact form.

No responsibility accepted for accuracy of information